Question of the Best Fit: Anticipation for Good Job

On Tuesday, 12th Jan 2016, a faculty seminar titled “Question of Fit: Anticipation for Good Jobs,” was presented by Dr. Mohammed Mustafa, a Faculty member of Business College in KUST.
The seminar was dedicated to address the topic of who is good for which job. Dr. Mohammed Mustafa explained how to verify a possible successful coping strategy that could work, by revealing the personality that could allow an exit from lack of awareness status to make the right job search decisions. He said that the first piece is to know who you are and what brings you deep gladness. The second piece, Dr. Mustafa added, is connecting the first one with what we do. A simple Personality test was proposed as an effective way to uncover these two pieces that must fit together to find the satisfying career where deep gladness meets the world’s needs.