A webinar on Challenges and Experiences of Heading a Marketing Team of a Real Estate Company

Department of Business Administration invited Dr. Ananta Singh Raghuvanshi, the head of marketing team of DAMAC company India office, to conduct a webinar on Challenges and Experiences of Heading a Marketing Team of a Real Estate Company on 18th November.
Dr. Aanata Singh emphasized on three core values and praised Komar University of Science and Technology to have all three values in its logo i.e. Ethics, Knowledge and Skills.She said that as a head of marking one needs to deal with the skills of the team and work on marketing plan that most suits to the ability of the team. She narrated that based on her experiences in India and abroad in real estate, there are few or to be precise three to four major players who compete with each other. So, as a head of marketing team one needs to know the unique selling proposition of the competitors, so as to work on the USP of one’s company because it has to be communicated to the whole team and in fact be the central idea of every marketing tool.
She explained that there are only two types of real estate companies, either construction company such as Larson and Turbo or developers such as DAMAC, DLF, and The Core Group etc.