Graduation Project Evaluation: Business Administration

On July 5th, 2018 two students of the Business Administration Department presented their final report on their Graduation project. Ms. Salar Azad worked on “Determinants of Customer Satisfaction for selected Real Estate” under the supervision of Dr. Mamta Singh, Chairperson of the Business Administration department at Komar University of Science and Technology. Mr. Rawa Farhad worked on “A study of Customer Satisfaction with Special Reference to Gardenia Group” under the supervision of Dr. Mamta Singh and Dr. Ahmet Demir from Ishik University, Sulemani. An external evaluator was present, Mr. Devendra Kumar from the Lebanese French University, Erbil. Ms. Salar and Mr. Rawa were praised for their confident presentation and well-structured report, as well as, advised on minor and major issues identified in the report. Overall the evaluator appreciated the report. Some faculty members, for instance, Dr. Ala Talabani and Ms Kizhan Salar from the English department and Dr. Ako from the Engineering department also participated during these presentations.