A seminar on Hotel Management in the time of Economic Crisis

Komar University of Science and Technology, office of Quality Assurance and Accreditation held a seminar for Ms. Ms. Fatin Nabil Jameel on Wednesday, December 27, 2017. During her presentation, she emphasized on the projection for hospitality across the industry. There are key business, technology and hotel marketing trends that are set to take root and impact the industry as a whole. On the contrary In Kurdistan region Hospitality industry is facing low season and after the closing of airports the market is further gone down. In order to give a real-time picture and how hotel industry is functioning in this situation Business Administration Department organized a seminar on Hospitality Industry in the time of Economic Crisis. Ms. Fatin Nabil, Front Office Manager from High Crist Hotel gave a presentation about what is hospitality industry and how to manage crisis with special reference to hotel groups. At the end there was a question and answer session where Ms. Fatin explained all the questions asked and gave a special reference to her own experiences. At the end She was facilitated with a certificate presented to her By Honorable Vice President Dr. Kawa. Dr. Mamta gave a vote of Thanks to Ms. Fatin and all the members present.
This seminar was a part of series activities that will be conducted according to the Quality Assurance Calendar during Fall 2017.