Selling the “Don’t Have” to the “Can’t Buy”

On 26/10 the fall 2015 seminar season of KUST kickstarted with a seminar by Dr. Alan M. Noory titled “Selling the “Don’t Have” to the “Can”t Buy”: Urban Sprawl in Kurdistan’s Business Environment, Post 2003.
The seminar was presented in the Showroom at 1:30 PM, and faculty members and students participated in it.
The seminar was an attempt to explain the consequences of compensating illegal contradicting claims and forms of possession of land in the process of urban sprawl on the business environment in Kurdistan.
Attentio nwas paid to predicting violence and social unrest as a result of this process.
At the end of Dr. Alan’s presentation there was a spirited descustion about the current legal structure of land tenure in Kurdistan and predictions for the future.
The seminarended at 2:10 and Dr. Salah Aziz, KUST President, presented Dr. Alan with a certificate of appreciation for his presentation.